
I am an HCI researcher and PhD candidate at the University of Waterloo, located in Waterloo, Ontario. I am supervised by Dr. Daniel Vogel in the human-computer interaction (HCI) lab. My research is focused on (1) understanding how significant user interface constraints, like time or character limits, can be leveraged to help users while reading and writing, and (2) designing novel interaction techniques around such constraints, a concept I formalize as bounded interactions. However, I am interested in many other topics in HCI, including augmented reality, gestural input, and software learning. During my PhD, I interned with Microsoft Research's EPIC group and with Meta Reality Labs Research.

I also earned my master's at the University of Waterloo, where I evaluated the speed and accuracy of touch input at the edge of a table. During my master's, I interned at North Inc. (acquired by Google) and at Autodesk Research. I earned my Bachelor of Science at Mount Allison University, located in Sackville, New Brunswick, where I majored in computer science and minored in commerce. I even co-founded a nano-brewery, the Bagtown Brewing Company!


Nikhita Joshi and Daniel Vogel. Writing with AI Lowers Psychological Ownership, but Longer Prompts Can Help. arXiv Preprint 2024.


Nikhita Joshi, Richard Li, Jiannan Li, Leonardo Pavanatto, Michel Pahud, Jatin Sharma, Bongshin Lee, Hugo Romat, William Buxton, Nicolai Marquardt, Ken Hinckley, and Nathalie Henry Riche. Opportunistic Nudges for Task Migration Between Personal Devices. CHI Late-Breaking Work 2024.

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Nikhita Joshi and Daniel Vogel. Constrained Highlighting in a Document Reader Can Improve Reading Comprehension. CHI 2024.
best paper award

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Yen-Ting Yeh, Nikhita Joshi, and Daniel Vogel. The Effects of Update Interval and Reveal Method on Writer Comfort in Synchronized Shared-Editors. CHI 2024. † equal contribution
best paper honourable mention award

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Nikhita Joshi. User Interface Constraints to Influence User Behaviour when Reading and Writing. UIST Doctoral Symposium 2023.


Nikhita Joshi, Parastoo Abtahi, Raj Sodhi, Nitzan Bartov, Jackson Rushing, Christopher Collins, Daniel Vogel, and Michael Glueck. Transferable Microgestures Across Hand Posture and Location Constraints: Leveraging the Middle, Ring, and Pinky Fingers. UIST 2023.

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Daisy Kim, Nikhita Joshi, and Daniel Vogel. Perspective and Geometry Approaches to Mouse Cursor Control in Spatial Augmented Reality. CHI 2023.
best paper honourable mention award

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Nikhita Joshi, Antony Albert Raj Irudayaraj, Jeremy Hartmann, and Daniel Vogel. An Instrumented Office Chair with a Steerable Projector for Personal Spatial Augmented Reality. SUI 2022.
best paper award

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Nikhita Joshi, Matthew Lakier, Daniel Vogel, and Jian Zhao. A Design Framework for Contextual and Embedded Information Visualizations in Spatial Augmented Reality. GI 2022. † equal contribution

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Antony Albert Raj Irudayaraj, Rishav Agarwal, Nikhita Joshi, Aakar Gupta, Omid Abari, and Daniel Vogel. PocketView: Through-Fabric Information Displays. UIST 2021.

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Nikhita Joshi, Justin Matejka, Fraser Anderson, Tovi Grossman, and George Fitzmaurice. MicroMentor: Peer-to-Peer Software Help Sessions in Three Minutes or Less. CHI 2020.

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Nikhita Joshi and Daniel Vogel. An Evaluation of Touch Input at the Edge of a Table. CHI 2019.

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